About Us
Club History & Purpose:
The Portage Model Railroad Club was formed on September 8th, 2009, to bring together people from Portage la Prairie and the Central Plains region that share an interest in model railroading. The goal of the club has always been to promote interest in the hobby by increasing the knowledge of its members through the following activities:
- construction of various types & sizes of scale model railroad layouts (track) and equipment (locomotives & railcars);
- regularly scheduled operating sessions of these scale models;
- when possible, scheduling & hosting skillful and knowledgeable modelers in the hobby to lead workshop sessions that explain or demonstrate various modeling practices;
- traveling to visit other model railroad clubs, or attending model railroad shows to view and share modeling methods used by others in the hobby;
- sharing information about models or supplies available in the marketplace that may interest other club members.
The club also works to host events or occasions that are open to the public, promoting the hobby to others that may have an interest in it to become members of the club and share in the enjoyment of the hobby.
Club Location & Operation:
The club is currently using the main level of the Portage la Prairie Canadian Pacific Railway Station as its meeting and model railroad layout location. The club normally holds its monthly business meetings on the first Monday of the month from September to June (some business meetings may be re-scheduled due to holidays or other occasions). The club layout operating sessions normally occur on all other Monday evenings during the month. Other special meetings, layout run sessions, and work sessions may be scheduled by the club chairperson (depending on the occasion).
Many club members have also played a very large and active part in the railway station's restoration process and on-going maintenance, volunteering hundreds of hours of labour.
Club Membership:
Anyone is welcome to become a member of the Portage Model Railroad Club by completing a Membership Form, and paying an annual membership fee (several membership options available, including a family option). A portion of the club fee includes a membership with Portage la Prairie Heritage Inc, the organization that manages the historic station where our club is hosted.
If you are interested in becoming a member, or would like more information about the club, we can be contacted through info@cprstationportage.ca, or visiting us on Facebook.